01244 455466



Pupil Premium

Saughall All Saints CE Primary School.

Pupil Premium – 2024/5

 ‘It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools  is spent since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.’ (DfE website) 


Pupil Premium was introduced by the government to help support disadvantaged students by giving schools extra funding to enable them to take the most effective actions to improve attainment. Reducing the gap in performance between students from backgrounds with different levels of wealth is the key function of the pupil premium. To determine who was eligible for pupil premium the government used Free School Meals (FSM) as an indicator of disadvantage along with Looked after children (LAC) and children from army families. As with any indicator, the rationale can be questioned but it is these indicators that the government has chosen and the ones that we adhere to.


Context of school:

Saughall All Saints is a Church of England primary school situated in Saughall on the outskirts of Chester. We have high aspirations and ambitions for all our children and we strongly believe that each child has the right to learn in a positive and safe environment where they can reach or surpass their potential. Our ethos stems from a firm belief that it does not matter where you come from but it is each child’s thirst for knowledge and commitment to their own learning that is the difference between success and failure. Although we proportionately have a low number of children receiving pupil premium funding we are determined to spend it to its maximum effect to ensure our disadvantaged pupils progress at the same rate as their peers.


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Saughall All Saints C of E Primary SchoolChurch Road,