
Since January 2024, we have supported POCM with their charity work in the Philippines. In 2022, the whole school did a sponsored walk to raise money for the schools we support abroad. Half of the money raised went to Kingsway Educational Initiative, a South African charity that supports education in Western Zambia, and the other half initially was sent to 'Because Jesus Lives Ministries' in Uganda. Unfortunately, due to ill health that charity has had to close the school there so they kindly sent the money back to us. As a school, we then decided to support the work of POCM and we sent this money to them this year.
Philippine Outreach Centre Ministries is a non-profit organization; a charity based in Subic Zambales Philippines, near Subic Bay Freeport Zone, that endeavours to make a lasting difference in the lives of the Filipino people in need. It is composed of four ministries: Children's Home, Prison Ministry, School and Churches.
They have several different outreach programmes that they run:
Philippine Outreach Centre Children's Home- a children's home caring for children who have either been abandoned, are living in poverty where their parents are unable to take care of them, or their parents are in prison. They provide food, education, a loving home and a hope for the future for these children across their 2 children's homes.
Philippine Outreach Centre Prison Ministry- a team made up of ex-prisoners, church members and willing volunteers who visit four jails every week in our Region.
Philippine Outreach Centre Christian Academy- a school that provides a FREE, private education from Kindergarten to Grade 10, not only for the kids of our Children’s Home but also for those in our community.
Philippine Outreach Christian Fellowship- a church family with passion for the love of Jesus Christ, and to share that love to the people.
In May 2024, we received an update from POCM explaining how they used the money that we raised for them.
'It’s the time everyone has been waiting for, it’s the talent fest! On April 22-26 we had our Talent festival in school. Previously the event was called sports fest but this year we wanted to include other competitions and events to enable the students to showcase a greater variety of abilities. We had sports such as basketball, volleyball, badminton and track events but we also included indoor competitions such as chess, scrabble and even a Rubix cube event (a puzzle type game). We also included academic competitions like spelling and quiz bee. On the first night we had our talent competition.
One of the main reasons why we had our talent fest so late in the school year (we have only 1 month left of school before the end of the school year) is because of insufficient funds to buy equipment, but by the grace of God and through the generous donation of Saughall Primary school in the UK we were able to buy all new equipment and the special awards medals for the event.. We would like to extend our deepest appreciation and thanks to the teachers and students there who chipped in enabling us to have our talent fest. All the cool new equipment made it all the more exciting and enjoyable for everyone. May our Lord richly bless you all.'