Christian Values
Christian Values
Values are very important to us in our school. They teach us how treat other people and how to live good lives.
The ethos group have chosen a set of values that we will focus on as a school. They chose these values because they link to our Christian Vision and they have assigned 2 values to each term for two years as you can see below:
Year A
Autumn = Friendship and Koinonia (community)/Respect and Tolerance
Spring = Compassion and Thankfulness/Individual Liberty
Summer = Humility and Service/Rule of Law and Democracy
Year B
Autumn = Justice, Perseverance and Peace/Respect and Tolerance
Spring = Truest and Forgiveness/Individual Liberty
Summer = Creation and Reverence/Rule of Law and Democracy
You can see that, alongside the Christian Values, there are other values listed such as Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty, Rule of Law and Democracy; these are the British Values and we are now focusing on one or two of these each term alongside the Christian Values.